Driver Contacts


If you would like more information about the Reepham Rover, the trips we run or becoming a volunteer driver, please contact 07765321458. If there is no answer please leave a message and a contact number and someone will get back to you.



Whitwell Hall Country Centre incorporating Reepham Patient Care Fund have a stock of various mobility aids available to loan. If you or know anyone that would benefit from an aid of any type, please contact us. We have a stock of items such as walkers and wheelchairs along with a couple of mobility scooters.

Please contact the office at Whitwell Hall to discuss requirements on 01603 870 875 or 07765 321 458, leave a message if there is no answer and someone will get back to you.

Reepham Patient Care Trust

Reepham Patient Care Fund (RPCF), provides mobility equipment and social welfare support for sick, disabled and vulnerable groups in the local GP catchment area. This includes provision of grants to purchase scooters etc and two community mini buses to support mobility and social welfare for the above groups.

Through their efforts, and those of the many trustees and volunteers, the charity has provided mobility equipment and social mobility and inclusion to hundreds of service users in the community. A valuable part of the charity has been to reduce isolation and provide companionship for senior citizens who live locally.

In 1997, RPCF was fortunate enough to benefit from the generosity of a local resident, who, having no close next of kin, left his house and contents to the fund, thus enabling it to buy a purpose-built minibus with a wheelchair hoist, named the Reepham Rover. The popularity of this service resulted in an additional slightly larger Reepham Rover being acquired in 2002.

The fund’s trustees have been keen to ensure the charity finds a new home and, with their support and that of Whitwell Hall trustees and staff, a merger of these two charities has now taken place with the approval of the Charity Commission.

“Jeannette’s retirement along with that of the existing trustees and some of the current volunteers of RPCF is richly deserved and our local community will be the poorer for their going,” said Mike Seppings of the Whitwell Hall Country Centre trustees.

Whitwell Hall was acquired by educational charity Forest School in 1938. After the Second World War, the Hall was increasingly used for holiday camps and staff training courses.

Forest School is now called Whitwell Hall Country Centre. It remains an educational charity that provides outdoor learning opportunities for children both locally and from other parts of England.

There are strong links with local schools and also with RPCF service users through Christmas events over many years.

Whitwell Hall will focus initially on the provision of these events and trips for the local core users, but is always looking for new volunteers. Some of the existing Reepham Rover drivers and carers are to stand down when Mrs Overton retires and there is an urgent need for replacements.

“If you can give a few hours weekly, monthly or even just occasionally please let us know,” said Mr Seppings. “We can only preserve this fantastic service if we have volunteers to help us deliver it.”